1. Nitric Oxide is a molecule that opens (dilates) arteries, veins, vessels to allow oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to flow to organs, tissues and cells.
2. As we age, we lose 85% of our body's ability to produce nitric oxide.
3. This loss of nitric oxide results in the aging process and chronic diseases and maladies associated with aging.
4. Nitric oxide production can be stimulated with supplementation of certain nutrients and with the right supplement can improve and even reverse many age-related diseases.
5. Large doses (7,000mg ) of arginine, an amino acid supplement, can dilate the cardiovascular system only 5% for a few hours. Large dosages of arginine have negative side effects such the risk of increased heart disease and premature death. The most popular nitric oxide boosters are primarily arginine-based. Beet root extract increases circulation by only 5% but it helps to heal damaged nitro oxide producing endothelial cells.
6. A new all-natural nitric oxide booster (ViNitrox™) dilates the cardiovascular system 50% at only a 500mg dosage—making ViNitrox 10 times more effective per recommended dose in achieving and maintaining vasodilation than arginine. OxySpark also contains beet root extract (to heal damaged nitric oxide producing cells) L-Citruline, Astragin, Enzogenol plus a host of vitamins and minerals.
7. OxySpark has zero side effects and promotes, with continued use, positive cardiovascular health.